Monday, November 19, 2012

A Shaila

Hi Rabbi H,

A friend of mine asked me a question last night and was too embarrassed to ask a rav so I told her I would email you.

The question is basically: what disqualifies a person from marrying a Kohen? We know that a divorcee is not allowed to but is but what about someone who has never been married? Do they HAVE to be a virgin? Does it make a difference whether or not she had relations with a Jew or non Jew? If a girl does marry a kohen and was not permitted, are her children mamzerim?

Thank you so much for all you do for my family!

Nice to hear from you R. I hope you are well.
If she was with a non- Jew intimately, she is forbidden to marry a Cohein, as well as remain married to a Cohein. The children are not mamzerim.

Good Shabbos,

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