Saturday, April 7, 2012


April 7 of 2008
A saturday night
Go on a date
Can't decide what to wear
On the phone
Putting on make up
So nervous
When will it happen
Pick me up in a van
Forgot your wallet
Wait outside your parents house
Drive downtown
Walking around the harbor
Awkward conversation
Linking park playing
Sit on a bench
Playing with two quarters
"I'll give you whats in my pocket if you give me what's in yours"
A little royal purple bag
Tied closed
Inside is a ring
"so what's your answer?"
"to what?"
I look closely at the ring
Hold it up to the light
תתנשאי לי רחל?
Will you marry me
On the inside
A bride and groom
באהבה לנצח נפתלי

I awkwardly say of course
And we are engaged
I want to call the world
I have waited a lifetime
No you say
You want it to be just us
Until midnight
We call my parents
They are thrilled
Probably relieved
We call your parents
They are sleeping
We cannot tell anyone else
Until your parents know
Arrive at your house
Wake up your mother
She drinks a shot
A lechayim
Hands me a bracelet
It is do ugly
She says it's unique like me
And I hate it
She goes back to sleep
That was our lechayim
I can now call friends
Everyone is thrilled
It's about time
As if they waited longer than me
And that's how we got engaged

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